Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro
Focuses close enough to provide life-size images
Fokussiert nah genug, um lebensgroße Bilder zu liefern
Dies ist ein EF-Objektiv 100 mm 1:2,8 MACRO
Bitte die vollständigen Spezifikationen beachtenVorteile
Diagonal Angle of View: 24°
Lens Construction (elements/groups): 10/9
No. of Diaphragm blades: 8
Minimum Aperture: 32
Closest Focusing Distance (m): 0.31
Maximum Magnification (x): 1
AF Actuator: MM
Filter Diameter (mm): 52
Detaillierte Funktionen
Medium telephoto lens with a macro feature for 1x magnification. Fluctuations in spherical aberrations caused by focusing are suppressed, and high-quality images are obtained at all focusing distances. With eight aperture blades, good background blur is obtained even when the aperture is decreased by one or two stops. A focusing limiter which limits the magnification to 0.25x is built-in.